Moerdijk Port Authority
How to give waste a second life with pyrolysis technology
Since 2016, ffiqs has been providing financial project management support for the ERDF grant project Pyrolysis Test ground Southern-Netherlands. In the living lab, 14 project partners from the south of the Netherlands are investigating how residual flows can be processed into valuable products using pyrolysis technology. The participants in the pyrolysis laboratory are researching about 30 unique value chains based on various raw materials. ffiqs has guided the consortium in the implementation of the project.
Project goal: Developing innovative pyrolysis technology
Pyrolysis is a thermochemical conversion technology in which raw materials are decomposed by heating to a high temperature in the absence of oxygen. Thanks to pyrolysis, waste products such as discarded pallets, used plastic film or old car tyres can be given a second life. Thermally recycling this type of waste means it no longer ends up in an incinerator. This has a double advantage: less waste streams and, therefore, less environmental impact and CO2 emissions. And at the same time the possibility of new valuable products made from residual flows. This process thus contributes to the circular economy. No single pyrolysis technology is optimal for every raw material. To test the economic feasibility, suppliers of pyrolysis technology have cooperated with researchers, educational organisations, and potential clients in the innovation platform.
The challenge
The Moerdijk Port Authority wwas looking for a partner for financial project management, to take care of these aspects allowing them to focus on the innovation process. They wanted to work with a partner who could think along with them in terms of project progress and who would take care of the financial reporting to grant authority. An outstanding project that involved 14 partners over a period of 5 years, meeting very strict grant obligations and requirements. It provided many complex (administrative) challenges.
The solution
On behalf of the Moerdijk Port Authority, ffiqs supported the consortium in the implementation of the project. We were responsible for managing the project activities in order to achieve the project objectives in the best possible way. In addition, our specialists have relieved the Port Authority of the administrative work. This included organising consortium meetings, drawing up and submitting amendments, producing interim reports, and writing a final report.
The result
The collaboration between the Moerdijk Port Authority and ffiqs has enabled the project partners to focus on the innovation process and the technical work. ffiqs has relieved the consortium of as much of the administrative burden as possible. In the week of the circular economy, the consortium organised an event in BlueCity Rotterdam as a closing event. If you would like to know more about the event, please use this link.

“I greatly appreciate the professionalism, but above all the personal involvement that ffiqs has shown in making the project a success. What we have achieved was truly a team effort!”
– Manon Baartmans (Manager Commercie Moerdijk Port Authority)
Participants in the Pyrolysis Test ground Southern-Netherlands
The partners in the Pyrolysis Test ground Southern-Netherlands are: Moerdijk Port Authority (coordinator), REWIN West-Brabant Development Agency, Avans University of Applied Sciences, Bewa, SABIC Petrochemicals, Goodfuels Marine, Patpert Teknow Systems, Nettenergy, NImaro Ageno Consult, CharcoTec, Waste4ME, DSM R&D Solutions, Delphy, Van der Kooy Pijnacker B.V. and Viktor Goes Green.nl and TU Eindhoven.
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